These commentaries are written from my experience and study. They express my opinion about religious doctrine, the narrative that guides the Christian faith, and its impact on spiritual health in the Church. I have concerns about the relevance of the Christian faith within the current social landscape and question why it’s viewed as little more than an inconvenient sub-culture that increasingly struggles with its own spiritual and social identity. Has the Church played a part in this, and what might be changed to impact the current moral catastrophe?
About Me
I grew up with a Christian understanding of life, and the Presbyterian Church was my early religious experience. Some 40 years later I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and saviour. In 2001, I was part of a leadership team that welcomed a new Pastor to the Church. Shortly after, we experienced a series of theological and relational challenges that split the Church in two. This event took three subsequent Pastors, and many years to recover from. I remember the disillusionment left in the wake of the unanswered questions this type of event incurs. I began to realise two things, I came to see that I knew very little about why I believed and that anything I did know, was not my own.
My Latest Commentary
Victims of Social Engineering
I never imagined seeing the day that New Zealanders so easily capitulated to the demands of socialism. New Zealand stands at a crossroads of political, cultural, and social disorder, where liberties and freedoms are being taken away with little resistance. We're told these measures are temporary and the economy is better than anticipated, yet the damage is clear in all areas of society and highlighted as economic constraints continue unabated. Could it be that those in charge are taking advantage of a pandemic to advance social reforms that most see, but appear unwilling to confront? Right now the pandemic itself is somewhat irrelevant, as the conversation divides into those who worship the woman of all truth, and those who see the empress with no clothes. The language surrounding the young, the vulnerable, rights and freedoms, cultural activism, the unvaccinated, and now the enforcement of mandates, are far more dangerous to the fabric of civil society. No one benefits from engineering equality of outcomes, its ideological theft, ask those in Venezuela. Those who consciously reduce themselves to victims within a free and democratic society are at best naïve, but mostly they refuse to acknowledge that rights come with responsibility, and as a consequence will likely suffer more under any form of socialism because equal outcomes for all, is an illusion created by greed. Under the guise of a pandemic, the mother of truth has facilitated division within New Zealand society, and the undertones of resentment simmer across many conversations.
I never imagined seeing the day New Zealanders so easily capitulated to the demands of socialism. New Zealand stands at a crossroads of political, cultural, and social disorder, where liberties and freedoms are being taken with little resistance. We're told these measures are temporary and the economy is better than anticipated, yet the damage is clear in all areas of society and highlighted as economic constraints continue unabated. Could it be that those in charge are taking advantage of a pandemic to advance social reforms that most see, but appear unwilling to confront? Right now the pandemic itself is somewhat irrelevant, as the conversation divides into those who worship the woman who claims to be all truth and those who see the empress with no clothes. The language surrounding the young, the vulnerable, rights and freedoms, cultural activism, the unvaccinated, and now the enforcement of mandates, are far more dangerous to the fabric of civil society. No one benefits from engineering equality of outcomes, it is ideological theft, ask those in Venezuela. Those who consciously reduce themselves to victims within a free and democratic society are at best naïve but refuse to acknowledge that rights come with responsibility, and as a consequence will likely suffer more under any form of socialism because equal outcomes for all, is an illusion created by greed and power. Under the guise of a pandemic, the mother of truth has facilitated division within New Zealand society, and the undertones of resentment simmer across many conversations.
Ronald Reagan once said: "The situation in world politics today might be seen as the battle between two extreme ideological views contending for social and political domination. At one end we have Fascist political extremists and the other Leftist political extremists, otherwise known as the extremes of Socialism and Fascism. The ideological outcomes of both are directed towards Communism. Between these two extremes lays a broad spectrum of conservative liberals and conservative traditionalists who hold in check what might be viewed as the moral and ethical compass that prevents civil society from spiralling into self-destruction. Both need each other to maintain a balance that prevents the two extremes from asserting control over humankind's right to exercise free will".
Social interaction is often agitated to the point of hostility, and I wonder where the team of five million went. It would seem that all the talk of caring for each other has ended with the introduction of authoritarian control mandates against those unwilling to submit to the source of all truth. Media bias fuels this public outrage, while the source of all truth gathers its victims and soothes their outrage with utopic hopes that never materialize. Lockdowns have become safe places for those who revel in isolation dysphoria, and the denial of freedoms a type of righteous self-flagellation, that provides security to those with little else to live for. Unfortunately, it also exposes the worst elements of the human condition, as the mob is consumed with self-preservation and rallies around the source of all truth to pimp and tell. This lunacy may well escalate as the economy contracts over the coming months, Covid will continue to spread, and even overtake the vaccinated, inflation will bite the hand that feeds it, unemployment will likely rise, businesses will close, and a general sense of helplessness will numb the senses of those struggling to fathom how all this happened. Radio hosts such as Mike Hosking and Kerre McIvor, along with others, are reduced to petulant behaviour, scornful of anyone with a contrary opinion, even contemptuous of the conversation itself. Their words of disdain mock the rights and freedoms they vehemently uphold in any other circumstance. Is their petulant need to travel a valid reason for mocking those who disagree? Liberal tolerance it would seem, only applies as long as it doesn’t affect their vanities. I’m dismayed by the degree of self-consuming narcissism that intelligent people are reduced to.
Every step in managing this pandemic has been identified and predicated on the capability of hospitals to handle the most extreme demands that might be placed on the health system, nothing else. Why couldn't those in authority keep this as the focus? Instead, we've been controlled by lockdowns, never used to manage a pandemic in the past. Highly subjective modelling has been wrong time and again; continuously overstating death and infection rates to support the possibility of hospitals being overloaded. The focus should have been on preparing facilities and introducing treatments for the symptomatic, not hypothetical modelling that invariably proves incorrect. Available treatments have been ignored, mocked, and aggressively denounced even though international recognition suggested otherwise. The solutions have arguably caused greater harm to New Zealand than the pandemic itself.
The narrative surrounding this pandemic has been masterful I have to admit, and the use of phrases such as "go hard go early" and "team of four million" might have comforted those with little foresight, but it's predominantly spin, lies, and contradictions. The truth has become difficult to establish because it’s become as unbelievable as the “sole source of truth” herself. Transparency is little more than clickbait for politicians to spin their way around issues of the unvaccinated, masking, social distancing, lockdowns, and now the unprecedented mandating of control over people’s lives, careers, and businesses. All predicated on how do we control a population, while we figure it out? However, the ultimate travesty is the removal of our right to make informed and free decisions. The ramifications of this will set a precedent we may regret, and the precedent could have far more insidious intent.
- 16 Dec 2024 The Last Supper - Retrospection or Reunion?
- 16 Sept 2024 The Semantic Drift of Worship
- 11 Aug 2024 Run to Win the Prize
- 12 Jul 2024 Continuous Atonement
- 26 Jun 2024 So You Have a Haunted House
- 7 Feb 2024 The Sermon
- 30 Aug 2023 In the Absence of Persecution
- 24 Jun 2023 Are We Born Sinners?
- 9 May 2023 Did the Cross Separate Jesus from God?
- 7 Feb 2023 Pastors/Teachers, Are They the Same?
- 17 Nov 2022 The Dark Road to Personal Pleasure
- 29 Jul 2022 The Persecuted Apostle
- 4 Dec 2021 Crowd Hypnosis and the Church
- 15 Oct 2021 Victims of Social Engineering
- 7 Aug 2021 White Middle-Class, Middle-Aged Males - The Beatitudes
- 7 May 2021 Can Christians Lose Their Salvation? - Part 3
- 1 Apr 2021 Can Christians Lose Their Salvation? - Part 2
- 27 Aug 2020 Can Christians Lose Their Salvation? - Part 1
- 17 Jul 2020 Are We Totally Determined?
- 17 Mar 2020 Submission and Covering
- 13 Jan 2020 Godlessness
- 18 Apr 2019 The Rise of Socialism
- 4 Mar 2018 Jesus Must Go
- 18 Sept 2017 Death Spiral for the Anglican Church
- 14 Sept 2017 The Image of Evil
- 4 Sept 2017 False Prophets
- 1 Jun 2017 Who Owns the West Bank? - Part 2
- 19 May 2017 Who Owns the West Bank? - Part 1
- 18 Feb 2017 United in the Spirit
- 13 Dec 2016 What Are Our Rights?
- 31 Jul 2016 A Matter of Baptism
- 5 Jul 2016 The Love of Money
- 5 Nov 2015 Signs of the Times
- 19 Jul 2015 Simply Apologetics
- 24 Feb 2015 Religious Systems of Authority
- 1 Feb 2015 Degrees of Sin - Part 2
- 19 Jan 2015 Degrees of Sin - Part 1
- 11 Dec 2014 The Cry for Peace
- 13 Sept 2014 Speaking in Tongues - Part 2
- 7 Sept 2014 Speaking in Tongues - Part 1
- 23 May 2014 Where are the Prophets?
- 4 Nov 2013 The Unsaid Truth
- 2 Sept 2013 Saved by the Church
- 6 Aug 2013 Unified Disagreement
- 25 May 2013 Have the Promises of Wealth Come True?
- 23 Apr 2013 Part 5 - Headship
- 23 Mar 2013 Part 4 - Egalitarian Relationship Not Ruling Authority
- 2 Mar 2013 Part 3 - Wives, Submit to Your Husbands
- 16 Oct 2012 Part 2 - Husbands, Submit to Your Wives
- 20 Aug 2012 Part 1 - Mutual Submission in Relationships
- 6 Aug 2012 Progressive Healing
- 10 Jun 2012 Tithing - Part 2
- 16 May 2012 Tithing - Part 1
- 17 Apr 2012 The Popularity Myth
- 22 Mar 2012 Freedom and Grace
- 23 Aug 2011 What is Biblical Authority?
- 23 Aug 2011 What About Accountability?
- 23 Aug 2011 Conflict is not a Bad Word
- 23 Aug 2011 When the Church Loses It's Way
- 23 Aug 2011 Anointing With Oil